CUPE Weeklong School 2020 Cancelled

It is with heavy hearts that we report that CUPE Weeklong School 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve had so much new interest in this event this year, and we hope that those who put their names in will be ready and eager to learn next year!

So get those prerequisite workshops and check the education board frequently, because terrific opportunities are always out there to get more involved with your union.

Speak to your shop steward for details.

AFL Convention 2019: “Choosing Our Future”

CUPE Local 941 Delegates Liz Pearson and Kitty Hibbert attended the Alberta Federation of Labour convention May 2nd through 5th, with the theme of “Choosing Our Future”. Speakers and panels covered such topics as energy transitioning, the history of the labour movement, and the role of social media in activism, among many more; and featured guests included President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO Stephanie Bloomingdale, Economist Jim Stanford, and NDP Leader Rachel Notley.


Liz and Kitty will be presenting their full report at the May 14th General Membership meeting.


2019 Elections Coming Up! Nominations Open at March 12 Meeting!

The following positions on the Executive Board are up for re-election this year. Nominations will be open at the March 12th general meeting, with a second round of nominations and the elections to take place at the April 9th general meeting.

Vice President (Currently Kitty Hibbert)

Secretary Treasurer (Currently Kevin Veenstra)

Chief Shop Steward 1 (Currently David Mitchell)

Membership Officer (Currently Derek Benson)

Trustee (Currently Jordan Schulz)